

Ve školním roce 2024/2025 jsme úspěšně absolvovali již dvě obhajoby disertačních prací - jednu od Patricka Keenana a druhou od Vladimira Lukiće....
Na Centru pro etiku a katedře filosofie a religionistiky se bude od ledna pod vedením profesora Johna Lippitta realizovat...


Conference - Call for Papers Venue: University of Pardubice, Czechia, 10-12 September 2025 Confirmed Keynotes: Linda Radzik (Texas A&M), author of The Ethics of Social Punishment: The Enforcement of...
      We cordially invite you to the international PhD Conference Thinking Conflict and Resilience in Society taking place on September 16-18. Attendence is free of charge. Lunches are covered by...
Centre for Ethics as a Study in a Human Value, University of Pardubice and the project Beyond Security: Role of Conflict in Resilience-Building Conflict (CoRe) are pleased to announce the call for abstracts for a three-day...