
Centre for Ethics as a Study in a Human Value, University of Pardubice and the project Beyond Security: Role of Conflict in Resilience-Building...
Keynote speakers: Roger Crisp Oxford University Debbie Roberts University of Edinburgh The aim of the second...
  The Ethics of Home: Patriotism, Cosmopolitanism and Alienation   An interdisciplinary conference organized by Centre...
V Centru organizujeme "Guilty Pleasures Festival". Uskuteční se 11. 2. 2021. Program zde: 10:30 - 11:00   Niklas - "Lost...
Organizers: Michael Campbell (Centre for Ethics, Pardubice); Lynette Reid (Dalhousie) Advisors/participants: David Cockburn (Lampeter); Lars...
On Tuesday, February 4, Centre for ethics will host an internal workshop entitled Disagreement, (In)tolerance and Moral Change. It...
Všechny srdečně zveme na intenzivní seminář vedený profesorem Johnem Lippitem. Detaily jsou na plakátu níže.