Our team
Head of research
Head of Doctoral Studies
Email: ondrej.beran@upce.cz
Phone: +420 466 036 634
Location: 06023, building G
Research interests
philosophy of language, ethics, environmental philosophy, philosophy of mind, philosophy of religion, phenomenology...
Head of Research
E-mail: Niklas.Forsberg@upce.cz
Location: 06 023, building G
Research Interests
Philosophy and Literature, Philosophy of Language, Iris Murdoch, Ludwig Wittgenstein, J. L. Austin, Philosophical Methodology, Ordinary Language...
Email: kamila.pacovska@upce.cz
Location: 07 023, building G
Research interests
Areas: Ethics and moral philosophy, moral psychology, theory of action, philosophy of emotions, Platonic-Wittgensteinian ethics, virtue ethics, philosophy and literature
Doc. Antony Fredriksson, PhD
E-mail: Antony.Fredriksson@upce.cz
Location: 10 013, building G
Website: https://abo.academia.edu/AntonyFredriksson
Research Interests
Aesthetics, environmental ethics, embodied philosophy, existential philosophy,...
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Principal Investigator: Vicious Epistemic Cultures
Research Team Leader: Loving is Caring
E-mail: Laura.Candiotto@upce.cz
Location: G Building, 06 003, Center for Ethics
Research interests
Philosophy of...
E-mail: tomas.hejduk@upce.cz
Office: 05 023, building G
Research interests
Ethics and Moral Philosophy; Political Philosophy; History of Philosophy;
Socrates, Plato and Ancient Greek Culture; Civil Disobedience; Nonpolitical Politics; Philosophy of...
Professor of Philosophy
Principal Investigator, Combatting Self-Righteousness: ERC CZ Grant No. LL2308
Email: johnandrew.lippitt@upce.cz
Location: 07 023, building G
Research Interests
Kierkegaard; ethics and moral psychology of virtues and vices...
Email: LesleyPaige.Jamieson@upce.cz
Location: 06, Building G
Homepage: https://queensu.academia.edu/LesleyJamieson
Research Interests
Areas: history of analytic philosophy (especially postwar British philosophy of mind, aesthetics, and moral...
E-mail: matej.cibik@upce.cz
Location: 07 007, building G
Research interests:
Contemporary ethics and political philosophy – liberalism, theories of justice, political realism, legitimacy, Kant’s practical philosophy and its influence on current political theory. ...
email: alexei.anisin@upce.cz
Dr. Alexei Anisin joined the Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value in 2025 to work on the Self-Righteousness Project as a research fellow specializing in sociological data-driven inquiry. His aim is to aid the conceptual development and testing of the...
Email: myrthe.bartels@upce.cz
Location: Building G, 07 023
ORCID: 0000-0002-6274-8941
Website: https://upce.academia.edu/MyrtheLBartels
Myrthe Bartels studied Classics at Leiden University in the Netherlands and received her PhD in Classics in 2014. She...
Email: ondrej.krasa@upce.cz
Telephone: 739 431 833
Location: 05 023, building G
Office hours: Tuesday 13-14
Research interests
Ancient philosophy and ethics – particularly Plato and skepticism.
Professional experience
since September 2021...
Senior Research Fellow
Working on project: Beyond Security: Role of Conflict in Resilience-Building (CoRe)
Completed project: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Action Moral Impossibility: Rethinking Choice and Conflict (MIGHT) 2022-...
Email: tanujmillind.raut@upce.cz
Room: 07, Building G
Areas of Specialization
Areas of Competence
Ethics, Political Philosophy, Plato, Philosophy of Addiction
Centre fellows
Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Email: mbarabas@volny.cz
Location: 07 007, building G
Research interests:
Moral philosophy, moral psychology, conceptions of will, action and moral thinking; Political philosophy;...
University of Melbourne
E-mail: ccordner@unimelb.edu.au
Christopher Cordner is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Melbourne and a member of Centre for Ethics as a Study in Human Value, Univeristy of Pardubice.. He has published...
University of Melbourne/King's College London
E-mail: r.gaita@unimelb.edu.au
Raimond Gaita is Professorial Fellow in the Melbourne Law School and The Faculty of Arts at the University of Melbourne, Emeritus Professor of Moral Philosophy at King's...
Past members
Worked at the department until 2021
E-mail: hugo.strandberg@abo.fi
More information
See my Åbo Akademi University page
Email: jake.lehrle-fry@upce.cz
Location: 07 023, building G
Research Interests
Relationships, self-righteousness, distributive justice, political philosophy and theory, moral philosophy
Bio: Jake is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Ethics as Study in...
Worked at the department until 2020
Website: https://upce.academia.edu/JosephWiinikkaLydon
Email: wiinikj@wfu.edu
Worked at the department until 2021
E-mail: michaelwalter.campbell.8f [at] kyoto-u.ac.jp
Web: https://upce.academia.edu/MichaelCampbell
Worked at the Department until 2022
Website: https://researchportal.helsinki.fi/en/persons/nora-Hämäläinen
e-mail: nora.hamalainen@helsinki.fi
Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellow until December 2022
Email: Olli.Lagerspetz@abo.fi
Website: http://web.abo.fi/fak/hf/filosofi/Staff/olagersp/english.html
Postdoctoral fellow until 2022
E-Mail: Ruth.Tietjen (at) hhu.de
Homepage: https://dekleineluchtfietser.wordpress.com
Postdoctoral Fellow until 2022
Email: ryandavid.manhire@upce.cz
Website: https://flinders.academia.edu/RyanManhire