Lesley Jamieson

Email: LesleyPaige.Jamieson@upce.cz

Location: 06, Building G

Homepage: https://queensu.academia.edu/LesleyJamieson


Research Interests

Areas: history of analytic philosophy (especially postwar British philosophy of mind, aesthetics, and moral philosophy), moral psychology

Topics: philosophical methodology; perfectionism; moral teaching and learning; love; realism; self-deception.

Authors: Iris Murdoch; John Wisdom; Gilbert Ryle; Ludwig Wittgenstein, R. G. Collingwood; Cora Diamond; John McDowell.


  • Manuscript (2023). Iris Murdoch's Practical Metaphysics: A Guide to her Early Writings (Palgrave MacMillan)
  • Peer-reviewed Article (2024) "Moral Attention and Bad Sentimentality," The Journal of Ethics (early view)
  • Peer-reviewed Article (2024) "Love's Realism: Iris Murdoch and the importance of being human," European Journal of Philosophy 32(4): 1204-1220
  • Peer-reviewed Article (2023) “Paradox and Discovery: Iris Murdoch, John Wisdom, and the Practice of Linguistic Philosophy,” European Journal of Philosophy 31(4): pp. 982-995. 
  • Peer-reviewed Article (2022). “Teaching, Learning, and Philosophizing as Metaphysical Animals,” Journal of Philosophy of Education 56(6): pp. 807-811. 
  • Peer-reviewed Article (2020). “The Case of M and D in Context: Iris Murdoch, Stanley Cavell, and Moral Teaching and Learning,” Journal of Philosophy of Education 54: pp. 425–448.


2015-2021: Doctorate Degree (Philosophy), Queen’s University (Kingston)

  • Dissertation: Iris Murdoch's Philosophical Methodology, 1950–1961: Philosophy on the Borders of Literature and Politics
  • Supervisor: David Bakhurst; Committee Members: Rachael Wiseman, Stephen Leighton, Paul Fairfield, and Tracy Ware

2013-2014: Master’s Degree (Philosophy), Queen’s University (Kingston)

  • Thesis title: Perceptual Intuitionism without Ethical Perception (Supervisor: David Bakhurst)

2008-2012: Honours Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy)

Selected Presentations:

  • “On Feeling the Puzzle: Murdoch and Wisdom on The Concept of MindTenth International Iris Murdoch Conference (June 24–26 2022, University of Chichester).
  • “Iris Murdoch and Philosophical Method” British Society for the History of Philosophy Annual Conference (April 21-23 2021, Durham University).
  • “Iris Murdoch, Philosopher of Mind?: Iris Murdoch Society Centenary Conference (July 13–15 2019, St. Anne’s College, Oxford).
  • “How Iris Murdoch does Moral Philosophy” Canadian Philosophical Association Annual Congress (June 1–4 2019, University of British Columbia, Vancouver)
  • “Education, Autonomy, and the Social in Murdoch and McDowell” Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Annual Conference (March 23-25 2018, New College, Oxford)
  • “Education, Autonomy, and ‘Motivation’: Bildung De-Intellectualized” Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Annual Conference (March 25-27 2017, New College, Oxford)

Invited Lectures:

  • “John Wisdom and Iris Murdoch’s Therapeutic Philosophy of Mind” (November 17 2021, Philosophy of Psychiatry Research Group, Queen’s University).
  • “On Rediscovering a Sense of the Density of Our Lives: Literature, Philosophy, and Iris Murdoch’s Account of the Sublime” (February 10 2021 (Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, Research Seminar Series).

Awards, Grants, and Scholarships

  • 2022, C. G. Prado Dissertation Prize 
  • 2017–2020, Joseph-Armand Bombardier Graduate Scholarship—Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
  • 2016–2017, Ontario Graduate Scholarship
  • 2015–2016, William C. Leggett Graduate Fellowship
  • 2015, George MacBeth Milligan Fellowship


  • Lecturer (September 2021–May 2022; Department of Philosophy, Carleton University (Ottawa)). Undergraduate courses taught: Introduction to Philosophy of Mind, Personal Identity and the Self; Postgraduate seminar taught: Iris Murdoch and Philosophical Behaviourism.
  • Teaching Fellow (September 2018–May 2021; Department of Philosophy, Queen’s University (Kingston)). Undergraduate Course Taught: Philosophy of Mind; Life, Death and Meaning.

Workshops and Conferences Organized

  • 2021, Workshop: “The Difficulty of Reality and the Difficulty of Philosophy: Murdoch and Diamond in Conversation”, Queen’s University (online).
  • 2019, International Conference: “Murdochian Perspectives on Moral Philosophy”, Queen’s University.
  • 2017, International Conference: “Teaching and Learning: Metaphysical Epistemic and Ethical Issues”, Queen’s University.
  • 2016, Workshop: “Philosophy and Indigeneity: A Department of Philosophy Equity and Diversity Committee Event”, Queen’s University.