Silvia Caprioglio Panizza

Senior Research Fellow

Working on project: Beyond Security: Role of Conflict in Resilience-Building (CoRe)

Completed project: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Action Moral Impossibility: Rethinking Choice and Conflict (MIGHT) 2022-2023
MSCA website:

Personal website: 

Other affiliation: Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, School of Philosophy, University College Dublin

Research interests

Meta-ethics, moral psychology, applied ethics (animal, environmental, and bioethics); feminism, particularly eco-feminism; Simone Weil; Iris Murdoch; philosophy of literature and translation; philosophy of religion and mysticism; ancient philosophy (Greek, Roman, and Indian).

Academic positions

  • Teaching Fellow in Ethics & PEriTiA Research Fellow , School of Philosophy, University College Dublin                           
  • Lecturer in Ethics Medical School, University of East Anglia
  • Lecturer in Philosophy Faculty of Humanities, John Cabot University Rome
  • Associate Lecturer in Philosophy Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
  • Associate Tutor  School of Philosophy, University of East Anglia
  • Associate Lecturer School of Languages and Literature, University of Genoa    


  • Caprioglio Panizza, S. and Vaccarezza, M.S. (2024) ‘Moral transformation as shifting (im)possibilities’. The Journal of Ethics.
  • Caprioglio Panizza, S. and Wilson, P. (2024) ‘Literature’. In: Lissa McCullough (ed.) The Bloomsbury Handbook of Simone Weil. London: Bloomsbury.
  • Caprioglio Panizza, S. and Wilson, P. (2024) ‘The philosopher at the gate of the word: a study of Simone Weil’s transformative literature’. In: Hagberg, G. (ed.) Fictional Worlds and the Political Imagination. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Caprioglio Panizza, S. and Wilson, P. (eds. and tr.) (2023) Mirror of Obedience: The Poems and Selected Prose of Simone Weil. London: Bloomsbury.
  • Caprioglio Panizza (2023) 'Iris Murdoch: Trust in the World'. In: David Collins (ed.) Perspectives on Trust in the History of Philosophy. London: Rowman and Littlefield.  
  • [book review]The Subversive Simone Weil: A Life in Five Ideas by Robert Zaretsky. The Iris Murdoch Review. (2023). 
  • Caprioglio Panizza, S. (2023). ‘The Reification of Non-Human Animals’. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 32(1): 90–104.
  • Caprioglio Panizza, S. (2023) ‘Perception, Self, and Zen: On Iris Murdoch and the Taming of Simone Weil’ Philosophies 8(4): 64.    
  • [book review] Epiphanies: An Ethics of Experience by Sophie Grace Chappell. Philosophical Investigations 00:1-4 (2023). 
  • Caprioglio Panizza, S. (2022) The Ethics of Attention: Engaging the Real with Iris Murdoch and Simone Weil. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Baghramian, M. and Caprioglio Panizza, S. (2022) ‘Scepticism and the Value of Distrust’. Inquiry.
  • Caprioglio Panizza, S. and Hopwood, M. (eds.) (2022) The Murdochian Mind. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Caprioglio Panizza, S. (2022) ‘Attention’. In: Caprioglio Panizza, S. and Hopwood, M. (eds.) The Murdochian Mind, London: Routledge.
  • Panizza, S. (2022) ‘The animals we eat: between attention and ironic detachment’. Journal of Animal Ethics 12 (1): 32–50.
  • Caprioglio Panizza, S. and Wilson, P. (interviewed by R. Collins) (2022) ‘Unfinished: On Venice Saved–a Q&A with Silvia Caprioglio Panizza and Philip Wilson’. Attention. 4.
  • Panizza, S. (2021) ‘Forms of moral impossibility’. European Journal of Philosophy: 1–13.
  • Panizza, S. (2021) ‘Attention in Iris Murdoch’ (Encyclopaedia Entry). The Encyclopaedia of Concise Concepts by Women Philosophers.
  • Panizza, S. (2021) ‘Attention in Simone Weil’ (Encyclopaedia Entry). The Encyclopaedia of Concise Concepts by Women Philosophers.
  • Baghramian, M., Croce, M., Panizza, S. (2021) (White Paper) ‘The ethics of trust in experts’. Horizon 2020, PEriTiA.
  • Panizza, S. and Wilson, P. (tr.) (2021) Simone Weil, ‘The Gate’. Modern Poetry in Translation 1.
  • Fredriksson, A. and Panizza, S. (2020) ‘Ethical Attention and the Self in Iris Murdoch and Maurice Merleau-Ponty’. Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology: 1-16.  
  • Panizza, S. (2020) ‘Exploring Ethical Assumptions and Bias in Medical Ethics Teaching’. Teaching Ethics 19(2): 233-244.
  • Panizza, S. (2020) ‘If Veganism Is Not a Choice: The Moral Psychology of Possibilities in Animal Ethics’. Animals 10(1), 145.
  • Panizza, S. (2019) ‘Moral perception beyond supervenience: Iris Murdoch’s radical perspective’. Journal of Value Inquiry 1: 1-16.
  • Panizza, S. and Wilson, P. (eds. and tr.) (2019) Simone Weil: Venice Saved. London: Bloomsbury.
  • Panizza, S. (2018) ‘Wittgenstein’. In: Rawling, J. P. and Wilson, P. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Philosophy. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Panizza, S. (2017) ‘A Secular Mysticism? Simone Weil, Iris Murdoch and the Idea of Attention’. In: del Carmen Paredes, M. (ed.) Filosofía, Arte y Mística. Salamanca: Salamanca University Press.
  • [book review] Iris Murdoch, Philosopher, ed. Justin Broackes, Mind 124(496): 1249-1254. (2015)
  • [book review] Stanley Cavell: Philosophy, Literature and Criticism, edited by James Loxley and Andrew Taylor, The European Legacy 19(6): 806-7. (2014)
  • Panizza, S. (2013) ‘William Hazlitt and the Violence of Thought’. Quaderni di Palazzo Serra 23.
  • Panizza, S. (2011) ‘The Dissolution of the Self: Location and Identity in Personal Landscape and Alexandria Quartet’. In: Villa, L. and Bacigalupo, M. (eds.) The Politics and Poetics of Displacement: Modernism off the Beaten Track. Udine: Campanotto.
  • Panizza, S. (2009) ‘Between Two Worlds: Inner and Outer Complexity in Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea’. Quaderni di Palazzo Serra 17.

Ethics committees membership

  • Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body (AWERB), School of Health Sciences UEA (2014–2018)
  • Norwich and Norfolk University Hospital (NNUH) Clinical Ethics Committee (2016–2018)

Conferences and workshops organised

  • ‘Possibilities, Impossibilities and Conflict in Ethics’, MSCA MIGHT International conference. Centre for Ethics, University of Pardubice, June 2023.
  • ‘“Here I stand, I can do no other; or can I?” On the reality of moral impossibility’ MSCA MIGHT workshop. Centre for Ethics, University of Pardubice, September 2022.
  • ‘Vegan Studies Research Seminar Series’; Multi-disciplinary seminar series (Online, Spring 2022). With S. Penczynski and E. Quinn.
  • ‘Ethical attention: Iris Murdoch in Philosophical Dialogue’ University College Dublin CEPL, January 2022. With D. Petherbridge and A. Fredriksson.
  • ‘Veganism: A Paradigm Shift?’ Università La Sapienza, Rome, June 2021. With S. Pollo.
  • ‘Vegan Studies’, inaugural multi-disciplinary network workshop, University of East Anglia 2019.
  • ‘Beyond Anthropocentrism: II Post-Humanist Workshop’, John Cabot University, Rome 2019. With B. Antomarini and S. Sorgner.
  • ‘Moral Perception in the Thought of Iris Murdoch’ International Conference, Queen’s College, Oxford University 2018. With B. Sorgiovanni.
  • ‘An Afternoon with Iris: Life, Thought, Writing’, interdisciplinary talks on Murdoch, biography, and the representation of women in philosophy, University of East Anglia 2014.

Invited conference talks

  • Keynote ‘Attending to animals, affliction and hope’, Eikones summer school – Attention in Animal Ethics and Aesthetics, University of Basel (2024)
  • Keynote ‘The Madness of Reality’, Iris Murdoch Conference: Literature and Philosophy in Dialogue, Université Paris Sorbonne (2024)
  • Keynote ‘The Ethics of Attention’, Mapping Attention: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow conference, University of Galway (2024)
  • ‘What’s your moral impossibility?’ Research seminar, University of Vienna (2024)
  • Mirror of Obedience (with Philip Wilson), Simone Weil for Our Times. Conference by the UK Simone Weil Research Network. London, Senate House (2023)
  • The Ethics of Attention. ERC Goodattention project research seminar + reading group on the book, University of Oslo (2023)
  • Simone Weil and the impossibility of good and evil. Formations and Reformations of Moral Universes workshop, Centre for Ethics, University of Pardubice (2023)
  • Moral impossibility. Ethics Forum, The University of Cape Town (2023)    
  • Attention and the foundations of morality. Marmara Felsefe University research seminar (2022)
  • Grounding ethics through attention: Murdoch, Weil, and Zen Buddhism. Online seminar series on “Attending as practice in the attention economy”, ESDiT: Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies (2022)   
  • Moral possibilities and impossibilities. Prague-Valencia Workshop on Analytic Philosophy. Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (2022)
  • The limits of my world. 7th Colloquium on the Modalities of the Good. Institute of Philosophy, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (2022)
  • The Murdochian Mind Keynote talk (with Mark Hopwood) Tenth International Iris Murdoch Conference. University of Chichester (2022)
  • Imaginative resistance and the statues we cannot stand. Prague Art and Ethics Conference. Czech Academy of Sciences (2022)
  • The pleasures and pitfalls of translating Simone Weil (‘Translations of Beauty’ roundtable). American Weil Society, University of Notre Dame Colloquy (2022)
  • Attention and non-duality: how Iris Murdoch tamed Simone Weil. Simone Weil Workshop, Heythrop Institute, London Jesuit Centre (2022)
  • Simone Weil: Defining the Impossible. Royal Institute of Philosophy Human Sciences Seminar, Manchester Metropolitan University (2022)
  • Attention: from contemplation to activism. Politics of Attention workshop, Fribourg University (2021)
  • Cora Diamond and the Difficulty of Reality. International Iris Murdoch conference workshop (2021)
  • Attending to non-human animals. School of Natural and Environmental Sciences-Agriculture seminar series, Newcastle University (2021)
  • Abortion: the value of life, an ontological bond, and the law, ARU Cambridge student workshop (2020)
  • Animal gazes / Sguardi animali, Permanent Animal Studies workshop, La Sapienza University, Rome (2019)
  • The reification of non-human animals, invited speaker at FINO seminar series, University of Turin (2019)
  • Axel Honneth and non-human animals in biomedical research, The recognition and reification of non-capacitous human and nonhuman animals, The University of Oslo (2017)
  • Murdochian Moral Perception, Durham University Research Seminar (2016)
  • Romantic Love as Love of the World, Cambridge ARU Philosophy Society (2015)     

Professional memberships and other collaborations

  • European Moral Psychology Research Network (2022-Present )
  • European Association for Critical Animal Studies (2022-Present)
  • Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP) UK mentorship scheme (mentee) and SWIP Italy scheme (mentor)
  • The Iris Murdoch Society (2014-Present)
  • European Society for Moral Philosophy (2018-9)     
  • UEA Ethics Forum (2016-2019)
  • Peer reviewer for: Routledge, Bloomsbury, Rowman and Littlefield, Polity, Environmental Values, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Revista Forma, Journal of Posthuman Studies, Animals, Forum of Animal Law Studies, History of Philosophy Quarterly, Journal of Social Philosophy, Open Philosophy.

Awards and Grants

  • Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowship (2020 call)
  • UEA Faculty of Arts and Humanities Postgraduate Research Studentship (2011-2014)
  • Centro Studi Barbariga conference grant (2022)
  • ProVeg conference grant (2020)
  • SWIP conference grant; Analysis trust conference grant; Queen’s College and Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford conference grant (2018)
  • Community University Engagement Program (CUE East) (2104)
  • Engagement Enterprise and Employability grant (2014)
  • UEA Graduate School small conference grant (2014)
  • Turin School of High Philosophical Formation bursary (November 2007)

Public Engagement

Public articles:

  • ‘The Exactitude of Suffering’ (2023)
  • ‘An Invitation of Attention’ Symposeum (2023)
  • ‘Trust and OCD’ (2022)
  • ‘Philosopher in Coronavirus Lockdown’ The Conversation (2020)
  • ‘The Animal Within’ Cassandra Voices (2020)
  • The Unthinkable and the Unconceived’ LSE Forum for Philosophy (2020)

Podcasts and interviews:

  • ‘Moral impossibility and the vegan paradigm shift’, radio interview CKCU 93.1 FM, Ottawa, Canada (2023)
  • ‘Moral impossibility and cultural self-knowledge: a MSCA conversation’ with Olli Lagerspetz & Silvia Caprioglio Panizza. Philosophy Voiced Podcast. Spotify & Apple podcasts (2022)
  • Podcast on The Ethics of Attention: Engaging the Real with Iris Murdoch and Simone Weil interviewed by Miles Leeson at The Iris Murdoch Podcast. Soundcloud (2022)
  • Philosophy Voiced Podcast interview with Sophie Grace Chappell on Epiphanies. Spotify (2022)
  • Teaching and international education, Podcast interview (2021)
  • Philosophy and COVID-19, BBC World Radio (2020)

Public talks and seminars: 

  • Mirror of Obedience book launch. Reference Point bookshop, London (2023)
  • ‘Scepticism and distrust in science’, Kultursymposium Weimar, Goethe Institut (2023)
  • The ethics of Attention, Friends of Attention workshop (2022)
  • ‘Creating our Future: Food in the 21st Century’, Being Human Festival, ARU Cambridge (2021)
  • ‘Information, Misinformation, Disinformation’, UCD REFOHCUS webinar (2021)
  • Seminar on ‘Feminism and Animal Ethics’, Albero di Valentina - Association for fighting violence against women, Casale Monferrato, Italy (2018)
  • Animal Ethics seminar, Gerrards Cross Philosophy Society (2017)
  • Animal Ethics seminar, Philosophy in the Pub Norwich (2016)
  • UEA Philosophy Café Conversations (2013)

Public events organised:

  • Online public lecture series ‘What is the Best Diet for…?’ UEA&UCD (Spring 2021)
  • UCD CEPL public engagement initiative leader ‘Life in the time of corona: ask a philosopher’ (featured in the Irish Times, Dublin Inquirer, Daily Nous) (2020)
  • Organiser and chair of Eating Animals: a public virtual debate on animal ethics with Jonathan Safran Foer (2017)


  • UEA Philosophy Outreach sessions in secondary schools (2014–2018)
  • Lecture on Iris Murdoch’s philosophy for the Workers Educational Association (WEA), Norwich (2018)
  • Workshops in moral philosophy for secondary school students from Singapore for Reach Cambridge (December 2014 and December 2015)
  • Guest lecture and process drama workshop on J.M. Coetzee’s The Lives of Animals, Early University Entrance (EUE) programme, Dublin College University (November 2021).

Other public engagement:

  • Collaboration with the Government of Ireland’s Department of Health on how to rethink society and conceptions of health and science after Covid-19 (2020)
  • Philosophical consultant for Byron Lamarque’s film The Desiring.
  • Member of the Academic Visionaries of CIWF (2020–present)
  • Contributor to the In Parenthesis ‘philosophy by postcard’ initiative (2019)
  • Iris Murdoch Centenary exhibition talk, Temple Bar Art Gallery, Dublin (2019)
  • Invited speaker at UCD Law Debate ‘This House would go Vegan’ (2019)