
Centre for Ethics offers a vibrant and stimulating research environment in which a broad range of ethical topics are discussed. Some of the regular activities at the Centre include:


Research Seminar

We meet every Tuesdays (2pm-4pm; the alpha room at the fifth floor) during the term weeks to discuss papers and presentations from Centre Members and Visiting Researchers. We also have approximately 5 invited speakers from around the world every semester. After the seminar, we usually go out together for a joint meal where we continue the discussions in a more informal way. All are welcome to join us! You can find the schedule here


PhD Seminar

This seminar meets approximately every other Tuesday (10am-12; the alpha room at the fifth floor) during the term weeks. At this seminar, our PhD students presents their ongoing work and drafts of dissertation chapters. But we also meet to talk about what it means to think and write philosophy in a good way in contemporary academia, to prepare our PhD’s for a life in the Academia. The Centre’s more senior researches are usually present as well. You can find the schedule here


Reading Groups

We have ongoing reading groups at the Centre where we discuss various philosophical topics, papers and longer original classics of philosophy. Some of these meet every week, other once or twice a month.


Conferences and Workshops

The Centre for Ethics organizes at least two conferences/workshops per year. For more information of past and future events, see here


Intensive Seminars

Every semester we host what we call an “Intensive Seminar.” For these occasions, we invite one or two well established philosophers and discuss their work, or a topic of special interest. This format enables sustained and details discussions. The intensive seminars usually go on for three days, with one seminar before lunch and one after. For more information about the upcoming seminar, see here