In 1978 Václac Havel wrote his now legendary underground essay on the ”power of the powerless” in the post-totalitarian Soviet bloc. Dedicated to the memory of Czech philosopher Jan Patočka (1907-1977)––like Hável, a member of the Charter 77 human rights movement––the text examines a constellation of concepts that remain crucial for understanding Soviet Eastern Europe specifically and political oppression generally: power, ideology, freedom, responsibility, technological civilization, and the central yet problematic figure of ”the dissident”.
Všechny srdečně zveme na intenzivní seminář vedený profesorem Johnem Lippitem. Detaily jsou na plakátu níže.
Research seminar programme:
24th Sep Antony Fredriksson: The Phenomenology of Intersubjective Attention
1st Oct Kamila Pacovská: Wanting to be better. On the Self-Defeating Character of Moral Perfection
8th Oct Frits Gåvertsson (Lund): Emersonian Perfectionism in John Williams’s Butcher’s Crossing
22nd Oct Christopher Cordner (Centre for Ethics/Melbourne): Some Reflections on the Spirit and the Letter
29th Oct Michael Campbell: Two Styles of Thinking: A Case Study
Disagreement, (in)tolerance and political discourse
12th – 14th September 2019, Pardubice, Czech Republic
Workshop Programme
THURSDAY, 12th September
10:00–10:30 Registration and welcome address
10:30–11:30 Andrea Sangiovanni (King’s College London; European University Institute): Is Europe Unjust?
Call for papers
Disagreement, (in)tolerance and political discourse
September 12–14, 2019
Workshop organised by the Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic.
Keynote speakers:
Andrea Sangiovanni (King’s College London)
Anna Durnová (Vienna Institute for Advanced Studies)
Anna Elisabetta Galeotti (University of Eastern Piedmont)
Centrum pro etiku pořádá intenzivní seminář s antropoložkou Veenou Das. Akce se uktuteční 25-27. března v historické budově univerzity na Náměstí Legií.
Více informací zde:
Doktorandský seminář: jaro 2019
Úterí, 10:00 – 12:00
Místnost Alpha, budova G, páté patro
19.2. Patrick Keenan
5.3. Philip Strammer
12.3. Mira T. Reyes
25-27.3. Intensive Seminar with Veena Das, March 25 – 27
16.3. Diana Kalášková
7.5. Patrick Keenan (via Skype)
14.5. Philip Strammer
21.5. Matti Syiem
The Rule of People, the Rule of Law and the Role of logos in the Public Sphere
19th Annual Meeting of the Collegium Politicum
University of Pardubice, May 24th and 25th, 2019
I v novém semestru pokračuje náš výzkumný seminář každé úterí od 14:00.
Call for Papers
Ethics after Murdoch
A conference co-organized by the Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value and the Iris Murdoch Society.
June 6 – 7, 2019
Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value, University of Pardubice
Invited speakers:
Hannah Marije Altorf
Ramond Gaita
Mark Hopwood
Tony Milligan
Other confirmed speakers include:
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