
Tomáš Hejduk has written a new blog about the idea that a human being is specified by nothing else so much as speech (talk). You can read it ...
Tento týden byli zveřejněny výsledky Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF). S radostí oznamujeme, že žádosti dvou...
Matej Cíbik wrote a new blog about the relation between politics and reality in the context of the recent attack on US Capitol. You can read it ...
In the newest blog, Ondřej Krása writes about time travel that is very real. You can read it HERE. 
Program PhD semináře na jaro 2021 je k nahlédnutí ZDE.
In a new blog entry, Niklas Forsberg writes about (philosophy of) love.  You can read it HERE. 
Kamila Pacovská has written a new blog on the nature of teaching online. You can read it HERE. 
Anthony Fredriksson decided to share some oh his early notes on lockdown in a new Centre blog. You can read it HERE.