PhD Study Curriculum

Information for applicants (admission requirements, how to apply, etc.) is here.


PhD programme: Philosophy (new accreditation valid from ac. y. 2024/2025; older accreditation valid 2020/2021-2023/2024)


Language of instruction: English
Mode of study: full-time, part-time
Standard length of study: 4 years (maximum 7 years)
Length of funded full-time study: 4 years
Academic title: Ph.D.
Accreditation Code (new accreditation): TBA (valid for students enrolling in their studies from ac. y. 2024/2025 on)
Accreditation Code (older accreditation): P0223D100013; Specialisation No. P0223D2002 (valid for students enrolling in their studies from ac. y. 2020/2021 - 2023/2024)
Programme guarantor: Doc. Ondřej Beran, Ph.D.


 Start of teaching: 23rd September 2024
 Useful links:  Academic year timetableLibrary catalogue, Current PhD students, PhD seminar


Basic info: PhD with the CE

The Centre for Ethics PhD students study in the general program Philosophy run by the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies. They thus have the same Programme guarantor and Program Board (aka Subject Advisory Board) as the other PhD students in the program and also, sharing the same accreditation, the same general requirements. Should there be any specification of the study requirements for the Centre for Ethics PhD students only, they are noted in square brackets. The CE PhD study is coordinated by: doc. Niklas Forsberg and doc. Ondřej Beran. Faculty coordinator: ing. Iveta Němcová (

Students studying under the old accreditation (beginning of study ac. y. 2019/2020 and earlier - Accreditation Code P6101; field of study 6101V014) follow the guidelines PhD Study at the CE (available upon request).

Brief summary of study requirements (valid for both, old and new accreditations)

  • Beginning: Draft the Individual Study Plan with your supervisor – it has to be approved by the to the Subject Advisory Board aka Programme Board.
  • Fulfil study requirements (exams and credits) listed in your Individual Study Plan (see below under “List of formal subjects and examinations”).
  • Attend the regular Tuesday 10am PhD seminar and the 2pm Research seminar
  • Consult with your supervisor regularly, at least once a month during the ac. year (full-time students).
  • Fulfil Required creative (research) work (see below).
  • By 31st August each year submit: 1. Annual Evaluation Report;  2. Dissertation chapter (from the second year of study on). The CE Committee of supervisors meets in September to discuss your progress. The Annual Evaluation Report has to be approved by the Subject Advisory Board aka Programme Board.
  • End: Final exams (State Doctoral Examination plus Dissertation Defence)

Files for download (under construction): Individual Study Plan (New accreditation); Annual Evaluation Report (New accreditation); Annual Evaluation Report (Old accreditation); Annual Consultation Record

Main documents regulating the PhD study:



I. List of formal subjects and examinations, new accreditation only (from 2024/2025 on)

1. Philosophy and History of Philosophy Exam  (PAHOP in STAG)– examined in the first year of study. The exam focuses on the wider context of the dissertation topic. The student proves here her ability to consider her topic in the context of the history of philosophy and systematic philosophy. The student is examined on the basis of the literature approved by the supervisor. [CE PhD students: There is a common reading list in contemporary ethics.]

2. PhD seminar I-II  (PHDS1, PHDS2) - The doctoral student participates actively in the regular doctoral seminar in the first three years of her study. The object of the doctoral seminar is to train the doctoral students to acquire the necessary research skills, such as write down and present her philosophy research outcomes in the manner appropriate to academic standards, formulate and defend her philosophical thesis, etc. The adoption of these philosophy skills is tested during the Final state examination (see below). Each year, the student presents part of her dissertation in progress at this seminar (see below under Required creative / research work). Minimum 75% active attendance is required. The credit (zápočet) is awarded by the seminar coordinator I] at the end of second academic year and II] at the end of third year (exceptions apply for those who submit their dissertation earlier). The dissertation presentation is recorded in the yearly evaluation. [CE PhD students attend the CE PhD seminar and present their work at least once each academic year during their full-time study. See also bellow under “Required creative (research) work”.]

3. Publication track (PUBLI) – The doctoral student should publish at least 2 articles in a peer-reviewed academic journal during her study. [The CE PhD students can also published a chapter in a book of comparable standards. They are at the same time strongly encouraged to publish more than one article during their study.]

4. Teaching practice (TEACH) – The doctoral student takes part of the teaching of one 2 hour semester course on Ba or MA level together with a mentor (typically their supervisor), not earlier than in her second year of study. Credit is awarded by the programme guarantor. [The CE PhD students can either teach the course themselves or assist to a senior colleague.]

5. Study stay abroad  (SSABR) – The doctoral student has to complete at least one study stay abroad (lasting at least 1 month, but recommended 3-6 months), to consult her work with a foreign academic that acts as her temporary consultant. Apart from research, the student develops links of research cooperation during her stay. The focus, the time span and the choice of the hosting consultant are agreed with her supervisor. 


I. List of formal subjects and examinations, older accreditation valid for students enrolled between 2020/2021-2023/2024

(Listed below is the general description of study requirements for ALL PhD students of the program Philosophy. Specification of the particular study requirement for the Centre for Ethics PhD students comes at the end in square brackets.)

1. Philosophy and History of Philosophy Exam (FIDEF in STAG) – examined by a committee in the first year of study. The exam focuses on the wider context of the dissertation topic. The student proves here her ability to consider her topic in the context of the history of philosophy and systematic philosophy. The student is examined on the basis of the literature approved by the supervisor. [CE PhD students: There is a common reading list in contemporary ethics.]

2. Doctoral colloquium I-IV (KOLO1 – KOLO4) The doctoral student participates actively in the regular doctoral seminar in all the four years of her study. The object of the doctoral seminar is to train the doctoral students to acquire the necessary research skills, such as write down and present her philosophy research outcomes in the manner appropriate to academic standards, formulate and defend her philosophical thesis, etc. The adoption of these philosophy skills is tested during the Final state examination (see below). At least twice during her study, the student presents part of her dissertation in progress at this seminar (see below under Required creative / research work). The credit (zápočet) is awarded by the seminar coordinator for active participation (min. 75% attendance) at the end of each academic year. The dissertation presentation is recorded in the yearly evaluation. [CE PhD students attend the CE PhD seminar and present their work at least once each academic year during their full-time study. See also bellow under “Required creative (research) work”.]

3. Interpretation Seminar (SEMI) – The doctoral student attends regularly the interpretation seminar run by the department as a semester course. The credit (zápočet) is awarded by the seminar coordinator for active participation (min. 75% attendance) at the end of each academic year. [The CE PhD students have two Interpretation seminars in their ISP. They attend two courses run by the CE or by the Department. The credit assignment follows the credit requirements of the particular course.]

4. Foreign language exam (CIJA) – The doctoral student has to pass one foreign language examination (that is, a language that is not his or her native language and that is not the language of instruction, namely English). The student can choose from any languages taught and examined at the University of Pardubice or a language relevant to his or her dissertation field. Both the choice of the language and the level of examination are consulted with the doctoral student’s supervisor. The exam (zkouška) is awarded by the University/Faculty language centre examiner or by the person entrusted with examination by the doctoral student’s supervisor and programme guarantor.

5. Study stay abroad (BADAP) – The doctoral student has to complete at least one study stay abroad (lasting at least 3 months), to consult her work with a foreign academic that acts as her temporary consultant. Apart from research, the student develops links of research cooperation during her stay. The focus, the time span and the choice of the hosting consultant are recorded in the ISP. The hosting foreign consultant writes and signs a brief report of the doctoral student’s work during her study stay. The report is attached to the Annual Evaluation Report.

6. Teaching practice (PEDA) – The doctoral student takes part of the teaching of one 2 hour semester course on Ba or MA level, not earlier than in her second year of study. Credit is awarded by the programme guarantor. [The CE PhD students can either teach the course themselves or assist to a senior colleague.]

7. Research-organisation practice I, II (VOPR1, VOPR2) – The doctoral student participates in the research organisational activities of the department, such as conference organisation, editing work, workshop and invited lecture organisation. The credit is awarded by the program guarantor. [The CE PhD students receive one of the credits for organising an academic workshop, conference or a lecture series.]

[CE: 8. Research seminar I, II, III – In addition to the previous requirements, the doctoral student of the CE attend regularly the CE or Department research seminar in the initial three years of her study.]

The doctoral student is automatically excused from the abovementioned attendance obligations if she takes part in a study stay or if she participates in a conference. If her absence is more than one month, she has to make arrangements with her supervisor in view of individual consultations. These can, for example, be temporarily taken over by a consultant at the host institution (a signed confirmation is then required).



II. Required research work, new accreditation only (from 2024/2025 on)

1. Requirements related to work on PhD thesis

a) The doctoral student shall consult his/her ongoing work on the dissertation regularly with the supervisor (or co-supervisor), at least six times a year. Together with the supervisor, he/she shall keep a record of the consultations. The Annual Consultation Record is part of the Annual Evaluation Report.

b) The PhD student shall submit a working version of one chapter (in the approximate range of 6000 to 10000 words) by the end of August of the first year of study and, in subsequent years, shall submit another chapter by the end of August, too.

c) Conference presentations: the PhD student should regularly participate in international conferences with an open call for papers/abstracts (at least one per year starting in the second year of study).

d) The PhD student will present partial results of his/her work on the dissertation (e.g., a chapter, a complete part of the dissertation) in the PhD seminar in each semester (see also courses PHDS1, PHDS2). The presentation is scheduled in coordination with the supervisor and the course supervisor.

2. Publishing partial results of research

See Publication Track (PUBLI) above.


II. Required research work, older accreditation valid for students enrolled between 2020/2021-2023/2024

1. Requirements related to work on PhD thesis:

a) The doctoral student consults regularly her dissertation in progress and follows the directions of her supervisor (see Individual consultations above). The Annual Consultation Record is part of the Annual Evaluation Report.

b) The doctoral student has to submit one chapter of the dissertation (at least 20 standard pages, that is, cca 6000 words) by August, 31st of the second year of her study at the very latest (then one more chapter in each following year). The chapter is then subject to approval by the Programme guarantor and the Subject Advisory board. [The CE PhD students submit also an updated Table of Contents of the dissertation. The chapter is then assessed by the CE Committee of Supervisors.]

c) The doctoral student presents a chapter (or a coherent part) of the dissertation at the doctoral students’ colloquium at least twice during his or her study. The presentations are scheduled in coordination with the student’s supervisor and with the seminar coordinator. The first presentation has to take place in the second semester of the first year of study at the very latest. The presentations are listed in the annual evaluation. [CE PhD students present at the CE PhD seminar at least once each academic year during their full-time study. See also above.]

2. Apart from the dissertation work, but in connection with it, the PhD candidate has to pursue the publication of her research in the following way:

a) Conference presentations – The doctoral student should regularly present her research results at international conferences with open call for papers/abstracts (at least once a year, beginning the second year of study). [For CE PhD students, only conferences and workshops NOT organised by the CE apply.]

b) Publications – The doctoral student should publish at least 1 article in a peer-reviewed academic journal during her study. [The CE PhD students can also published a chapter in a book of comparable standards. They are at the same time strongly encouraged to publish more than one article during their study.]



III. Other requirementsnew accreditation only (from 2024/2025 on)

(under construction)

The PhD student should take part in other events and activities, as part of their preparation for academic career. These include, for instance: (co)organising events such as workshops and conferences, applications for external funding, participating at summer schools, teaching or co-teaching courses for undergraduates (see TEACH above), editorian work, tutoring, and so forth. Students can also attend foreign language classes and take exams, if it is conducive to their PhD project (based on consultation with the supervisor). The same applies to attending further optional courses as offered by the Faculty or the uni.


III. Other requirementsolder accreditation valid for students enrolled between 2020/2021-2023/2024

The ISP involves also other activities under the above described subjects, such as organisation of conferences, workshops and invited lectures home or abroad, participation in grant competitions, philosophy summer schools, teaching, editorial work, tutoring, etc. These activities are realised mainly under the subjects Teaching Practice and Research – Organisation Practice I, II.




Final state exams

The PhD study ends with two committee examinations: I. State Doctoral Examination and II. Dissertation Defence. The State Doctoral Examination has to take place prior to Dissertation Defence. For each examination, the student applies on a typified form together with obligatory attachments (see below for details).

Faculty deadlines for application: usually 31st March (for State Exam no later than 30 June) and 31st August (for State Exam no later than 30 November) - see the Faculty "Schedule of academic year 2021/2022 – Ph.D. study" for the actual Academic Year.

I. The State Doctoral Examination (new accreditation only, from 2024/2025 on)

Before defending her dissertation that completes the doctoral study, the doctoral student passes the State doctoral examination. The exam consists of the presentation and defence of a working version of the student's dissertation or its part, in the minimum extent of 3 chapters (25000 words) (state exam subject Mock Defense). This text is submitted by the student to the Head of PhD studies or a person appointed by the Head, at least 1 month before the State Doctoral Exam. Only after the text has been approved as fit for the exam, can the student submit their application to the state exam.

During the exam, the student briefly presents the working version of the thesis and defends it in response to the report of one opponent who is typically also one of the exam committee members. Then a discussion between the student and the committee follows. The result of the exam is decided by the committee's vote, based on a discussion without audience (otherwise, the exam is a public, open event).   

The successful completion of the requirements of the student's Individual Study Plan and passing the State Doctoral Exam by the end of year 4 of the study is, by default, a condition for the Programme Board to approve of the student's continuation of study in Year 5.


I. The State Doctoral Examination (older accreditation valid for students enrolled between 2020/2021-2023/2024)

Before defending her dissertation that completes the doctoral study, the doctoral student has to pass the State doctoral examination (the members of the committee are nominated by the Dean of the Faculty after them being nominated by the programme guarantor and approved by the Subject Advisory Board). The examination consists of the presentation and defence of the so-called “Argument theses”: As material for the examination, the candidate submits beforehand three argument theses that he or she prepared on the basis of his or her previous study requirements. These theses must not overlap significantly with the topic of the doctoral dissertation. The student submits the written theses (3 to 4 standard pages and accompanied by relevant bibliography) to the programme guarantor (or to a person entrusted by the guarantor). Only after all the theses are approved, can the student register for the state final examination. Each thesis forms a structured philosophical text that states a clear thesis (claim) and presents an argument in its favour.

During the public examination, the exam committee chooses two of the argument theses for the exam (state exam subjects: Philosophy Thesis 1 and Philosophy Thesis 2). The candidate then presents each thesis within 15 to 20 minutes, followed by a discussion in which she defends the thesis and its argument. The committee decides the examination outcome after a non-public discussion by vote.

[CE: How to prepare an Argument thesis text: The Argument thesis is written as a structured text (you can use numbers, headings, subheadings, etc…). The PhD candidate formulates the problem concerned and, based on her own argument and consideration of relevant literature, she adopts her own position and states it clearly in the text together with the supporting argument or justification. The clear formulation of the philosophical problem, of possible solutions and of the candidate’s argument sets a foundation for discussion. That is how the candidate demonstrates that she acquired the relevant research skills. A mere general exposition of a topic (a textbook overview) is not admitted. The PhD candidate consults the Argument Theses with her supervisor and submits them to the Programme guarantor two weeks before the date of the State Doctoral Examination at the latest.]

Application: The student applies for the state doctoral exam on a typified form by the deadline scheduled by the study plan for the given academic year. The application includes the supervisor’s recommendation. The examination has to take place within three months from the receipt of the application.

For details see Study and Examination Regulations, Article 14: or contact ing. Němcová.


II. Dissertation Defence

The doctoral study is completed by a (successful) public dissertation defence, for which the doctoral student can enrol after fulfilling all the abovementioned obligations. Part of the application is a recommendation written by the supervisor that contains an assessment of the dissertation’s contribution to the subject field.

The members of the examination committee are nominated by the Dean of the Faculty (after the them being nominated by the programme guarantor and approved by the Subject Advisory Board). The examination committee nominates (in accordance with the UPa Study and Examination Regulations) two dissertation opponents that write the opponent reviews.

During the public defence, the doctoral student first presents her dissertation and its outcomes. After the presentation of the opponent’s reviews, she responds to the opponent’s objections and in the following discussion defends her dissertation thesis and answers the questions of the committee and the audience. The committee decides the defence outcome after a non-public discussion by secret vote.

Application: The PhD candidate applies for the Dissertation Defence on a typified form. The supervisor’s and Head of Department’s recommendation is part of the application. Together with the application he or she submits: 1. The manuscript of the dissertation in three copies in the prescribed formatting. 2. Five copies of the “theses of the dissertation” – dissertation summary written in English that contains the basic ideas, methods, results and conclusions of the dissertation in the extent of 20 standardized A5 print pages. [The UPa Printing services have special instructions about formatting, cover and binding.] 3. An overview of the PhD student's professional activities carried out during the study in the doctoral study programme, including the list of original and published results or papers accepted for publication, with evidence of their acceptance for publication or a list of the other works created and any expert feedback on the results of those works and works.

For details see Study and Examination Regulations, Article 16: or contact ing. Němcová.




Programme Board / Subject Advisory Board


Internal members:

  • doc. Mgr. Ondřej Beran, Ph.D. - Head of PhD studies
  • doc. Laura Candiotto, Ph.D.
  • doc. Niklas Forsberg, Ph.D.
  • doc. Antony Fredriksson, Ph.D.
  • doc. Mgr. Tomáš Hejduk, Ph.D.
  • Mgr. Kamila Pacovská, Ph.D.

External members:

  • doc. Mgr. Michaela Fišerová, M.A., Ph.D. (FF UJEP/Metropolitní univerzita Praha)
  • doc. Mgr. Ladislav Koreň, Ph.D. (FF UHK) 
  • prof. Dr. phil. Jakub Mácha, Ph.D. (FF MUNI/Metropolitní univerzita Praha)






Contacts for Inquiries

Programme guarantor and coordinator: Doc. Ondřej Beran - inquiries about study documents, examinations, final exams. 

CE PhD study coordinator: Doc. Niklas Forsberg - inquiries about supervision, PhD seminar and mentoring.

Faculty administrative coordinator: ing. Iveta Němcová (

  • inquiries related to study administration, STAG system, application forms, enrolment and necessary documents, diploma nostrification, requests for changes, etc.

Faculty vice-dean for PhD study: Doc. Tomáš Hejduk

Programme board

University International Department

  • officer for international students and employees: Ing. Libuše Cermanová
  • inquiries related to visas, nostrifications, health insurance, moving to the Czech Republic

Department assistant for international students: Mgr. Diana Kalášková

  • assistence with arriving to Pardubice, getting around the campus, arranging accomodation, etc.



[Links to independent pages]