Contested moral framings: Human and Animal Life
Principal investigator: Doc. Silvia Caprioglio Panizza, Prof. Herwig Grimm (Messerli Research Institute, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna)
Period: 1.1.2025 - 31. 12. 2025
Grant No. 101p15 of the Aktion joint grant scheme
The aim of this research cooperation is to investigate the different ways moral questions about non-human animals are framed, with the aim of uncovering problematic, unexamined, and consequential assumptions that determine the conclusions we reach in applied ethics and in everyday morality. The project unites both senior and junior members from two research centres (the Messerli Research Institute, Vienna, and the Centre for Ethics, Pardubice). Both centres have a long-standing interest in moral framing, but each contributes different expertise, respectively, on empirical animal studies (MRI) and moral psychology (CE). The output of the project includes three workshops, one joint paper, and two guest lectures. The action will establish a long term cooperation through further joint grant applications, teaching exchanges, and researcher and student exchanges.
Planned events
Workshop/Visit 1: “Orthodox framings”, Pardubice, Centre for Ethics (Historical building, Čs. Legií.), 19th-21th February 2025
Workshop/Visit 2: “Unorthodox framings”, Vienna, Messerli Institute, 14th-16th May 2025
Workshop/Visit 3: “Ethical framings: sources and critique”, Pardubice, Centre for Ethics (Historical building, Čs. Legií.), 1st-3rd October 2025