CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Ethics - Form and Content

Call for Abstracts


May 26—27, 2018


Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value
University of Pardubice, Czech Republic


A conference co-organized by the Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value and The Nordic Wittgenstein Society. This conference is the 9th annual conference of the Nordic Wittgenstein Society.


Keynote Speakers:

Andrew Klevan (University of Oxford, UK)

Toril Moi (Duke University, USA)

Dawn M. Wilson (University of Hull, UK)


About the Conference

This two-day conference will focus on questions about the relationship between form and content in ethical reflection. It will address a number of questions about the relation between ethics (or philosophy) and literature, photography, film, and arts. For example: In what respect does ethical reflection depend on the form in which it is investigated? What are the differences between ethical reflections conducted in theoretical forms of discourse, such as abstract theorizing and various forms of analyses, and ethical forms of investigations and reflections that take the shape of, say, a novel, a film or any other art form? Can the same moral concerns be investigated in different media and reach the same conclusions? And if not, what would that mean? Aside from addressing the particular manifestations of ethical content, what are the ethics of evaluating artistic form? 

This event is co-organized by the Nordic Wittgenstein Society, and our intention is to bring together thinkers who address these kinds of topics and are inspired by Ludwig Wittgenstein’s work and/or may be said to work in his aftermath in some sense.


Open call for papers

In addition to the key note speakers we have a number of 30-minute slots (20 minutes presentation, 10 minutes discussion) for speakers selected through an open call for abstracts.


We invite contributions from researchers at all levels, but priority will be given to PhD students and Post-docs.

We also welcome papers from scholars in fields other than philosophy: comparative literature, educational science, cultural studies, sociology, etc.

Abstracts should be:


Notifications will be sent out in the first week of April 2018.


About our Keynotes:

Andrew Klevan is Associate Professor in Film Studies in the Faculty of English at the University of Oxford.  Klevan’s work focuses on film criticism; aesthetics, especially evaluative aesthetics; philosophy of criticism; film interpretation; the close analysis of film style; film performance; film and pedagogy. His publications include: Aesthetic Evaluation and Film (Manchester University Press, forthcoming August 2018); Barbara Stanwyck (BFI, Palgrave 2013); Film Performance: From Achievement to Appreciation (Wallflower Press/ Columbia University Press, 2005); and Disclosure of the Everyday: Undramatic Achievement in Narrative Film (Flicks Books, 2000).

Toril Moi (Duke University, USA) is James B. Duke Professor of Literature and Romance Studies, and Professor of English, and Theater Studies at Duke University. She is Director of the Center for Philosophy, Arts, and Literature (PAL) at Duke. Her most recent monograph is Revolution of the Ordinary: Literary Studies after Wittgenstein, Austin, and Cavell (Chicago University Press, 2017). Moi’s main lines of interests are feminism, literary theory, ordinary language philosophy and literature. Some of her previous publications are Sexual/Textual Politics: Feminist Literary Theory (1985); Gender and the Body: The Student Edition of What Is a Woman (2005); Simone de Beauvoir: The Making of an Intellectual Woman (2nd edition 2008); Henrik Ibsen and the Birth of Modernism won the MLA’s award for best book in comparative literary studies for (2007).

Dawn. M Wilson (University of Hull, UK) is a Lecturer in Philosophy at Hull. Wilson collaborates with interdisciplinary and international research networks on projects dedicated to photography, art, perception, image-theory, and cultural conservation. She is a member of the scientific committee for the Groupement de Recherche International project, Photographs: Perception and Changes. Currently her research includes comparing photography with music and working on the topics of time, visibility, portraiture and artistic practice.  She has published on aesthetics, causation and mind-independence. Her publications on Wittgenstein’s philosophy include articles on logical analysis, clarity, and the conservation of Wittgenstein’s House in Skjolden.



In the days after the conference, May 28 –30, the Centre for Ethics hosts a three-day Intensive Seminar with professor Toril Moi entitled FORM AND FORMALISM IN LITERARY STUDIES. Over the course of three days, we will discuss 1. Wittgenstein and literary studies; 2. Beyond formalism? Form in literary studies; 3.  Reading My Struggle. Conference participants are welcome to stay for that event as well. Attendance is free, but please register in advance since seating is limited, and so that we can distribute reading instructions etc. in advance.


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