E-mail: tomas.hejduk@upce.cz
Office: 05 023, building G
Research interests
Ethics and Moral Philosophy; Political Philosophy; History of Philosophy;
Socrates, Plato and Ancient Greek Culture; Civil Disobedience; Nonpolitical Politics; Philosophy of Love and Friendship
2019-..., Associate Professor - Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic (lectures and seminars on Ancient Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, History of Philosophy)
2006-2019, Assistant Professor - Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic (lectures and seminars on Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Contemporary Philosophy, History of Philosophy)
2001-2006, Lecturer - Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, University of Hradec Králové, Czech republic (lectures and seminars on Ancient Philosophy, course „Introduction to Philosophy“.)
2000-2006, Teacher: Grammar School Gymnázium J.K.Tyla, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic.(Teaching philosophy, psychology, sociology and politology)
Education and Degrees
2019 Docent in Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague
2007 Doctorate diploma – Ph.D.
Department of Philosophy and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague.
Dissertation on „The transformation of Eros at crossing from the realm of religion to the realm of philosophy. The character of philosophy from the eros aspect.“
2000 Diploma in Philosophy (equivalent to M.A.).
Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Charles University in Prague.
Thesis on „Plato´s Phaedrus“.
1993 Leaving examination. Library College, Prague.
1991 School leaving examination. Gymnasium, Jilemnice.
Grants and Scholarships
- Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value, Grant no. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000425 of the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, 2016 - 2022 - researcher
- Love and Friendship in Ancient and Contemporary Philosophy, Grant no. 13-14510S of the Czech Science Foundation, 2013 – 2016, main coordinator
- Jan Hus Educational Foundation, Cursus Innovati: Bernard Williams – political writings, 2010-2011
- Erasmus mobility, University of Cyprus, Deapartment of Classics and Philosophy, 5.4.-13.4. 2011. (lectures: „Bernard Williams“)
- Erasmus mobility, Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of philsophy and history of philosophy (Slovakia), 14.-17.12.2010
- Erasmus mobility, KU Leuven, Institute of Philosophy, (Belgium), 13. 9. 2010 – 25. 9. 2010
- The Fulbright-Masaryk Scholarship, Brown University, Department of Classics, Providence RI, USA, September 2008 – May 2009.
- CIES, The Occasional Lecturer Program, Travel Award ($750), Humboldt State University CA, 22.3.2009-25.3.2009. (Lecture: Czech Existencialism, Department of Philosophy 24.3.2009)
- Coordinator of the project „Religious Studies and Philosophy Educational Centre“. Operational program „Education for Competitive Advantage“, European Union, European Structural Fonds, 2009-2011.
- Scholar of the project Open Science: Project Open Science was approved for funding under the Single Programming Document (NUTS 2 region objective 3 Prague [SPD 3]) that is being implemented by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic. It is funded by the European Social Fund. Additional funding is also coming from the ESF, the state budget of the Czech Republic and the budget of the City of Prague. The two-year project began September 1st, 2005 and concluded August 31, 2007. The project ID is CZ.04.3.07/
List of Publications
- Nepolitická politika v díle Ladislava Hejdánka. Edice Studie a prameny k dějinám myšlení v českých zemích, sv. č. 23. [Non-political politics in the work of Ladislav Hejdánek. Edition Studies and Sources for the History of Thought in the Czech Lands, vol. 23], Praha: Filosofia, 2021. (in print)
- Filosofie lásky a přátelství [Philosophy of Love and Friendship], T. Hejduk, K. Pacovská (eds.), Pavel Mervart, Červený Kostelec 2016.
- Moderní univerzita, Ideál a realita [Modern University, Ideal and Reality], Hejduk, T., Chotaš, J., Prázný, A. (eds.), Filosofia: Praha 2015.
- Bernard Williams, Na počátku byl čin, Nakl. Pavel Mervart 2011. ISBN 978-80-87378-85-4. Translation with an afterword. [In the Beginning was the Deed, Princeton University Press 2006]. http://www.kosmas.cz/knihy/163178/na-pocatku-byl-cin/
- Od Eróta k filosofii, Studie o Erótu se zřetelem k Sókratově filosofii [From Eros to Philosophy. Studies on Eros with reference to the philosophy of Socrates], PřF UK a nakladatelství Pavel Mervart, Praha - Červený Kostelec 2007. ISBN 80-86818-50-4, ISSN 1801-5093. http://www.kosmas.cz/knihy/137382/od-erota-k-filosofii/
Articles (selective)
Decency and Love (One or Two Paths to the Life of Goodness in Gaita’s Work?), Philosophia (Springer), On-line first: 08 March 2022. https://rdcu.be/cIzmm
"La unidad del compromiso público y la filosofía de Jan Patočka —Jan Patočka como ciudadano y filósofo—", transl. Germán Vargas Guillén, y Bayron Hernán Giral Ospina. Pedagogía y Saberes, n.º 56 (diciembre), 2022, pp. 163-176. https://revistas.pedagogica.edu.co/index.php/PYS/article/view/13744
„Trojí pojetí svobody“ [Three Concepts of Liberty], Filozofia, 76 (2), 2021, 110-124
„Moral Education in Secondary Schools: What, how, and why?“ Pedagogika 69 (4), 2019, 444-462. Moral Education in Secondary Schools: What, how, and why? | Pedagogika (cuni.cz)
„Socrates and Theognis on True Love.“ The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 13 (2019), 23-50.
„Charter 77 still allive: The Concept of Nonpolitical Politics in the Work of Ladislav Hejdánek“, Comenius (Journal of Euro-American Civilization), Vol. 4, No. 1, 2017, 67-85.
„Bernard Williams: etika bez nadbytečného přemýšlení, užitku a morálky“ [Bernard Williams: ethics without superfluous thinking, utility and morality], in J. Jirsa et al, Přístupy k etice III., Filosofia: Praha 2016, 115-148.
„Philosopher, Truth and Public Life“, in: Javorská A. - Kocinová L. - Wagnerová S. (eds.), (Meta)Filozofia - Prax, Zborník vedeckých príspevkov. FÚ SAV: Bratislava 2016, 267-272.
„Idea univerzity a střet všedního s povznášejícím“ [The idea of the university and the clash between the mundane and the uplifting], in Moderní univerzita, Ideál a realita, Hejduk, T., Chotaš, J., Prázný, A. (eds.), Filosofia: Praha 2015, 265-283.
- „Sókratova láska a „homérská“ ctižádostivost“ [Socratic love and "Homeric" ambition], v Reflexia Homéra v antickej filozofii, U. Wollner, J. Cepko (eds.), Vydavatelstvo UMB – Belianum: Banská Bystrica 2014, 68-79.
- „What Did Socrates Love?“, in Ch. Maurer, T. Milligan, K. Pacovska, eds., Love and Its Objects, What Can We Care For? Palgrave McMillan, London 2014, 56-74.
- „Realismus a moralismus v díle Emanuela Rádla (Útěcha z filosofie)“, v Filosofický časopis 3/2014, 387-402.
- „Pojetí svobody v díle Bernarda Williamse“, in Tomáš Nejeschleba a kol. Pojetí svobody v dějinách a současnosti filosofie. Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2013, 141-158.
- „Hejdánkova nepolitická politika“, in M. Šimsa (ed.), Nepředmětné výzvy české filosofie. K myšlení Ladislava Hejdánka, Acta Universitatis Purkynianae, Ústí nad Labem 2013, 297-313.
- Idea university na střední škole, Pedagogika, 2012/3, 339-345.
- Realismus Bernarda Williamse, Filosofický časopis, 2011/2, 246-261.
- Bernard Williams and Ancient Greek Tragedy, Aither, International Issue, 1 (2010), 139-172.
- Erós sofistés a erós mythoplokos, Aither, 3 (2010), 71-88.
- Zvěř a filosofie, živé dárky na keramice ze starověkých Athén, Vesmír, roč. 89 (140), č. 2, Praha 2010,118-120.
- Owners of wisdom and lovers of wisdom (the definition of religion by its difference not only from Socrates´ philosophy), Pantheon 4 (2009), 91-98.
- Patočkova filosofie náboženství, v: Jan Patočka, České dějiny a Evropa, Z Českého ráje a podkrkonoší – supplementum 12, Státní oblastní archiv v Litoměřicích, Semily 2007, 50-58.
- Rádl, Hejdánek a Patočka, aneb sounáležitost filosofie a náboženství, respektive křesťanství, v: Bubík, T., Prázný, A., Hoffmann, H. (edd.), Náboženství a věda, Pantheon, Religionistické studie, Univerzita Pardubice 2006, 161-169.
- Hranice Rádlovy filosofie, in: Hermann, T., Markoš, A. (edd.), Emanuel Rádl – vědec a filosof, Oikoymenh, Praha 2004.
- K Rádlově filosofické víře, Křesťanská revue LXX, 8/2003, Praha, 218-223.
Reviews (selective)
- „Život v knize. Jakub Trnka: Filosof Erazim Kohák“ [Life in a book. Jakub Trnka: Philosopher Erazim Kohák], Filosofický časopis, 2021, 69, 3, ISSN 0015-1831, 601-607
- Eros in Ancient Greece, (E. Sanders – Ch. Thumiger – Ch. Carey –N. J. Lowe (eds.): Eros in Ancient Greece. Oxford, Oxford University Press 2013. 349 s.), in Filosofický časopis, roč. 61, 2013/6, 933-939.
- Ingela Nilsson (ed.), Plotting with Eros: Essays on the Poetics of Love and the Erotics of Reading. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen, 2009. V Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.06.31 http://www.bmcreview.org/2010/06/20100631.html
- Starořecká pederastie jako výchova k ctnosti, Reflexe 36, Oikoymenh: Praha 2009.
- Lehké našlapování nekonečnem, Souvislosti, číslo 1/2007, ročník XVIII., 283-286.
- Člověk zrychlený, Filosofický časopis, roč. 54/1, 2006, 103-108.
- Filosofie v tandemu, Prométheus 24, Hradec Králové 2004, 67-71.
- Dějiny sexuality aneb pozdní Foucault, Reflexe 26, Oikoymenh 2004.
- Úvod do filosofie, Studijní texty pro pedagogy [Introduction to Philosophy, Study Texts for Teachers], Univerzita Pardubice 2011. ISBN 978-80-7395-383-6. (projekt ESF CZ.1.07/1.3.12/01.0007) – editor a autor čtyř kapitol
- Pracovní listy pro pedagogy (Filosofická propedeutika, První filosofové, Postmoderní svět a myšlení, Proměny člověka a filosofie na přelomu věků), [Worksheets for teachers (Philosophical Propaedeutics, First Philosophers, Postmodern World and Thought, Transformations of Man and Philosophy at the Turn of the Century)], Univerzita Pardubice 2010, ISBN 978-80-7395-267-9. (projekt ESF CZ.1.07/1.3.12/01.0007) – editor a autor čtyř kapitol
Presentations (selective)
- Jan Patočka´s Approach to the Philosophy of Religion, IX Colloquio Latino Americano de Fenomenología, Peru, Lima (on-line), 24.-26. 11. 2021
- Postmortal Openness to Meaning. Death and Afterlife. Centre for Ethics, Univerzita Pardubice, 8.-10. 11. 2021
- Some (creative) critics of Havel’s concept of politics and non-political politics. The Dissident. Seven Readings of The Power of The Powerless by Václav Havel. Södertörn University, Stockholm 21. 11. 2019
- Love and Decency, Love: Contemporary Perspectives in Literature, Philosophy, and Theology, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromso 5.-7. 9. 201
- Love and Justice in Ancient Greece, Research seminar, Centre for Ethics, Univerzita Pardubice 18. 12. 2018
- The Philosophical Legacy of Charter 77, Phenomenology of Solidarity. Community, Practice and Politics. 16th Annual Conference of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, University of Gdańsk 19.-21. 4. 2018
- Decency and love – one or two paths to the life of goodness in Gaita’s work?, Launch Workshop Situating the Human, Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value, Univerzita Pardubice 26.-28. září 2017
- University, Love and Truth, University, Science and Freedom, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), Fourth Balearic-Czech Conference, 15.-16. 9. 2016
- Love, forgiveness and morality, workshop Love, Forgiveness and Reconciliation, The Department of Theology and Religious Studies, King’s College London, 2. 9. 2016
- The Idea of University: R. Gaita´s Concept, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), Second Balearic-Czech Conference, 7.-11. 9. 2015
- Socrates and Theognis: Two Very Different Loves. Love and the Good, Univerzita Pardubice-Zámek Pardubice, 24-26. 9. 2015
- The Concept of Non-Political Politics in Ladislav Hejdánek’s Writings or what can intellectual do face to face of illegitimate power, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), First Balearic-Czech Conference, 23.-25.9.2014
- Love's Passion: Philosophical Perspectives on Love, University of Hertfordshire, 16. září 2014 - chair
- Romantic love and Socrates´ Eros, Inaugural Conference of European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions, The New University of Lisbon, Portugal, 18.-20.7. 2014
- The Concept of Non-Political Politics in Ladislav Hejdánek’s Writings, 1st Meeting of the Eastern European Ethics Network, Department of Philosophy and Patrology, Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology, Palacký University Olomouc 12.-13. 5. 2014
- Two loves and friendships: Socrates and Theognis, XXIII. World Philosophical Congress, Athens 4. - 10. 8. 2013
- What did Socrates Love?, Love and its Objects, Univerzita Pardubice, 18-20. července 2013
- Bernard Williams and Ancient Greek Tragedy, Greek Tragedy and Political Thought, Universita Hradec Králové, 19. 4. 2010
Invited lectures (selective)
- Protestující, reflektující a tvůrčí disent, [Protesting, Reflecting and Creative Dissent], Letní filosofická škola, UHK, Broumovský klášter, 14. 9. – 16. 9. 2021
- Unity of civic performance and philosophical work of Jan Patočka. Jan Patočka as a citizen and philosopher. Co/referates: Germán Vargas Guillén (National Pedagogical University, Bogotá), Věra Schifferová (FÚ AV ČR). National Pedagogical University, Bogotá 24. 3. 2021 (on-line)
- Love's Passion: Philosophical Perspectives on Love, University of Hertfordshire, 16. září 2014 - chair
- Hejdánek´s non-political politics, University of Leeds, Department of Philosophy, Inter Disciplinary Ethics Applied, a national Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (IDEA CETL), 22. 5. 2013
- Socrates´ Unconventional Eros, Brown University, Department of Classics 20. 4. 2009 (Kirk Lecture Series) http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Classics/events/department.html
- Jan Patočka´s Three Movements of the Human Being, Brown University RI, Department of Slavic 11.3.2009
- Czech Existencialism, Humboldt State University CA, Department of Philosophy 24.3.2009