Mass shooting at the Faculty of Arts in Prague

Mass shooting at the Faculty of Arts in Prague


The 21st of December's tragedy brutally affected the lives of our friends, colleagues and students at the Faculty of Arts in Prague. We are thinking of them, expressing our sincere condolences to the bereaved and wishing a speedy recovery to the injured.

I believe that this tragedy has also affected many of you students in our department, but I hope that only in an indirect way. I am very sorry! If you would welcome any help or support during these difficult days, please do not hesitate to contact me, or you can use the University's psychosocial support.

You can find our Dean's statement of participation here, you can support the victims of the tragedy and their families here, and the official memorial in Prague is here.


There will be time to assess the impact of the tragedy on university teaching and operations in the coming weeks. Now is the time to honour the victims and use the Christmas holidays to regain strength, however difficult it may seem. Today, Saturday 23 December, is a day of national mourning, and a minute's silence can be observed in memory of the victims at midday.


Ondřej Krása

Head of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, FF UPCE